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Founded November 1931 – Affiliated to Bowls England


Kent County Bowling Association Ladies

Benevolent Fund

Chairperson: Mrs C Tillman

Hon. Trustees: Mrs P Goodger, Mrs S Taylor, Carol Tillman

To all Secretaries,

When informing me of a member’s illness, please make your

application on club headed paper with member’s full NAME AND

HOME ADDRESS. If communication via Email please state: Club

Name and ensure it is sent by an officer of the Club.

Thank you all for your information and I extend to you and your

clubs a very healthy and happy 2025.

Mrs Anne Bailey, Hon. Secretary,

1 Bert Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7 7NW

Tel: 0208 689 1989 - E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All donations should be forwarded to the Hon. Secretary until further


Please make cheques payable to K.C.B.A. Ladies Benevolent Fund.