(Women’s Section)
a) The Hon. Secretary shall keep a record of all business transacted at Council and Committee
Meetings and at each Annual General Meeting the Hon. Secretary shall submit a report of
proceedings since the last Annual General Meeting and the Hon. Treasurer shall render to the
Hon. Financial Officer a precise account of Receipts and Expenditure for the past year.
b) Nominations for Vice President must be proposed by her own club, Nominations for all
other Officers of the County may be proposed by any club. All nominations must be
submitted to the Hon. Secretary by 1st September.
c) The Executive Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy in their numbers which may
occur during the year, due regard being paid to the division represented by the previous member.
d) Any member of the Executive or Selection Committee who breaks the code of
confidentiality shall be asked to resign from the said Committee.
e) A member of the Executive Committee wishing to hold Executive office in the Association, i.e.
President, Vice President, Secretary, Match & Fixture Secretary, Treasurer, Divisional
Secretaries, Year Book Secretary, must have the approval of this Association if she wishes to
hold concurrently an office of similar standing in the EIBA.
f) For the purposes of competition Administration, the County will be divided geographically into
four divisions.
a) All existing Badged Players and Past Presidents will be considered for county matches, they will
be notified if they are selected to take part in matches.
b) In the event of a County Match being rained off at least five ends must be played for
qualification towards a County Badge. Any competitor who has qualified for her badge but
becomes “terminally ill” and therefore unable to play the five ends required may be awarded her
badge upon production of Medical Evidence at the discretion of the Executive.
c) The County President shall not be required to qualify in order to be eligible to play in County
Matches in her year of office.
d) Players travelling by car or coach in an Inter-County Match, Executive/Representative game
whether home or away, shall be deemed to have accepted the risk of injury through accident
arising therefrom and shall have no recourse to compensation from the KCBA. As well as the
flat rate game fee that will be determined by the Executive, players must also bear their own
expenses to the home green or to a designated place of pick-up for any away match.
e) Dress Code for travelling to County Matches, (Optional). Dress when participating in County
Match: Whites with County Shirt, Navy Waistcoats, cardigans, fleeces, and shower proof
jackets as appropriate. Alternatively, rain wear should be predominately white.
3. DRESS (Please refer to specific competition for appropriate dress code)
a) Players attending all County Representative matches and County Competition matches (from
Divisional Finals onwards) are required to arrive and report to the match Official as indicated in
b) For rounds of county competitions up to Divisional Final stage, players have the option of
arriving in civilian dress; play for these rounds of competitions will be greys with either
approved Club shirts, waistcoats, cardigans, fleeces, jackets or predominately white shirts,
cardigans, waistcoats, fleeces, jackets.
3.1 County Uniform
Blazers Optional - Navy Blue Blazer (County or Outdoor Club Badge on top pocket)
Lightweight Jacket as registered with Bowls England (For National and County Matches
County Shirt as registered with Bowls England (for National Finals and County Matches)
Club Registered Shirts may be worn for all rounds of competitions as indicated.
All shirts must have sleeves and collars.
County players are entitled to wear navy sleeveless waistcoats or cardigans.
Club players will be entitled to wear waistcoats, cardigans, fleeces, jackets, provided these have
been registered with the ladies section of KCBA.
White/Cream/Grey regulation skirt (style is two inverted pleats at the back and two inverted
pleats at the front no other pleats).
White Cream/Grey tailored full length trousers (excluding tracksuits, shell suits and jeans) or
tailored cropped trousers falling midway between the knee and ankle (not Lycra type) may be
worn as may culottes of the approved style and length. Shorts may also be worn.
Bowling Shoes:- All Inter-County matches - Flat soled bowling shoes must be worn.
Rain/Shower Wear - all Inter-County Matches - Plain navy blue fleece/shower proof jacket
may be worn or predominately white rainwear.
3.2 During play on the green, the following dress code will apply:-
3.2.1) All County Competitions up to Divisional Finals & Mollie Cleggett (total civilian
dress on arrival is an option) Grey Skirt/Trousers/Crops/Shorts with either
predominately white or club shirt – if team event then all players must either wear
registered club colours or predominately white tops;
3.2.2) Divisional Finals and Semi Finals - When reporting to ‘official on duty’ Navy Blazer,
White Skirt/Trousers/Crops/Shorts with either club shirts or predominately white tops;
(Blazers Optional)
3.2.3) One-Day Events - 2-Wood, Benevolent Triples - Dress code: Blazers with white skirts/
trousers/ crops/shorts. Club or predominately white shirt.
Mollie Cleggett Semi-Finals and Final-Dress code, blazers with white skirts/trousers/crops/
shorts. Club or predominately white shirt; (Blazers Optional)
3.2.4) COUNTY FINALS DAY - Dress Code, blazers optional, County Shirt,
3.2.5) County Friendly Matches
Dress Code for Travel optional Navy Blazer optional, Dress for play: County Shirt,
with white skirts/trousers/crops/shorts/Approved County Navy Waistcoat/
Executive Matches: - All current County Officers, Past Presidents and Badged Players
must wear the Kent blue shirts. Any invited unbadged club officer will wear
predominantly white/club shirt;
3.2.6) The President, Vice President and Hon. Secretary, whether playing or on duty watching,
will be in uniform at the National Championships whilst Kent players are participating.
The President, Hon. Secretary, Divisional Secretaries,Team Manager, select the Players to be
asked to attend trials for Johns and Walker. Hon. Secretary will produce all paperwork and send
out the invitations, ensuring that all Selectors and Team Manager are kept informed. Any person
wishing to be considered for John’s or Walker remove themselves from the selection committee.
i) After initial John’s trial, consult with Hon Secretary and Divisional Secretaries and name
Johns squad. Hon Secretary will produce all paperwork
ii) After initial selection of team, any changes will be at the discretion of the Hon Team Manager
plus 1 from the selection committee.
iii) Team Manager along with Hon Secretary will ensure all players have transport, the Hon.
Secretary will liaise with venues regarding requirements, will publish teams and notify KCBA
Ladies Webmaster.
iv) Hon Secretary will be the contact for all players, notifying the Team Manager of any
problems, issue the letters to all players selected for each round of the competition.
v) Liaise with Hon. County Secretary in nominating up to six players for each Senior and Junior
International Trial. Hon. County Secretary will produce paperwork for BE.
vi) Hon. County Secretary will report results to BE in the Electronic Form required.
vii) Team Manager after consultation with Hon. Treasurer as to cost arrange accommodation and
accompany the players should they be successful to the National Championships at
viii) The Walker Cup Teams will be selected from Terms of Reference Players from the John’s
Squad. Must be available to play in at least one John’s game.
ix) The John’s and Walker Cup Teams will be selected from those available for trials with the
exception of those on International duty.
The Selectors may take appropriate action in the case of failure to honour selection commitments
without reasonable explanation. Such players will not be allowed to participate in any County
Representative games the following season. Valid reasons remain as detailed in Competition Bye
Law 12.
No member of the Selection Committee may be considered for a John’s Trophy or Walker Cup
Trial or Match. Each member of this Committee is required to attend Trials, Divisional Finals,
Semi-Finals and Finals, days to familiarise herself with players from all divisions as to potential
for future selection. Any person wishing to be considered must remove themselvesfrom selection.
Clubs submit to the Hon. Secretary nominations for players wishing to take part in the trials no
later than 1st January in any year.
i) Hon Secretary to present listing of potential players to Amy Rose Team Manager for
ii) Team Manager will keep details of all U31 Squad, including parents’ details for under 18
players. All details to include: Name, Addresses, date of birth, Mobile and Land line
Telephone Numbers and Email address.
iii) Team Manager and Selection Committee to select teams after coaching ready for the Hon.
Secretary to send to Bowls England.
iv) Book accommodation at Leamington for Amy Rose, liaise with Hon. Treasurer as to the cost
before making firm booking.
v) Liaise with Hon Secretary in nominating up to six players for Junior BE International Trials,
Hon. Secretary will produce paperwork for BE.
vi) Team Manager for Amy Rose squad to accompany team to Leamington for Championships.
County Badges will be awarded as follows:
a) An unbadged player who plays, and including winning the Divisional Final. An unbadged
player coming in as a substitute at Divisional Final level or later shall not qualify for her badge.
b) County Winner of Maude Woods (Unbadged Singles)
c) County Winners of Senior Fours if not badged provided they have won their Division.
d) A Kent un-badged player who has been selected and played for the England Senior
International Team.
A Certificate of Merit will be awarded by the Association to a person who has given a minimum
of 15 years service to their club in any capacity. Applications containing a brief citation and
signed by two club officers, must be submitted to the appropriate Section Honorary Secretary by
1st July. No more than TWO submissions per club per year will be permitted.
A maximum of 30 certificates will be awarded annually. Each Section will scrutinise their
applications and submit an agreed list of recipients to the Management Committee for ratification.
Presentations will be made at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and the name of
each recipient will appear in the Roll of Honour listed in the Year Book the following year.
All propositions, amendments to Ladies Regulations must be submitted to Honorary Secretary in
writing by 1st July for consideration by the Executive Committee.
8. Any member of the Executive Committee who has completed 10 years service before retiring will
be entitled to receive invitations to President’s Days and Executive Days and Life Membership.