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Founded November 1931 – Affiliated to Bowls England


Competitions for Ladies currently organised by the Association are as follows:-





1. Conditions of Entry - Competitors if successful are expected to play in the National and County Final

of any competition entered. The Competitions are open to all female members of Clubs affiliated

to the Kent County Bowling Association and there is no minimum age limit.


FOURS and SENIOR FOURS Competitions (hereinafter called County Championships) constitute

preliminary rounds of the Bowls England National Championships.

All Competitions shall be played in accordance with Bowls England Rules.

Play arrangements shall be:


- 4 bowls - 21 shots


(Note: Players must be under 25 years of age

on the 1st April in the year of the competition)

- 4 bowls - 21 shots


- 2 bowls - 21 ends


(Note: Players must be under 25 years of age

on the 1st April in the year of the competition

and not necessarily from the same club)

- 4 bowls each - 18 ends


- 4 bowls each - 18 ends


- 3 bowls each - 18 ends


- 2 bowls each - 18 ends


(Note: Players must be over 55 years of age on

the 1st April in the year of the competition and

must belong to the same club)

- 2 bowls each - 18 ends

County Competitions


- 4 bowls - 21 shots


- 2 bowls each - 3 x 10 ends


- 2 bowls each 18 ends

See Bye-Law 9

Competitors must play with bowls bearing the official stamping of the World Bowls. Composition bowls

must bear a stamp of 1985 or later. Bowls other than composition must be re-stamped every 10 years, the

date stamp indicating year of expiry In the case of new bowls they should bear the new World Bowls

stamp. Where no Umpire is present, the onus of checking that bowls comply with Bowls England Laws

rests with the players concerned before commencement of the first end.

A ‘Set of Bowls’ means four bowls all of which are the same manufacture and are of the same size, weight

and serial number.

There are four administrative divisions of the Association and for competition purposes each of these

shall be divided into two sections with sub-sections as necessary at the discretion of the Hon. Divisional

Secretaries and based on the number of entries received from each event. Endeavour shall be made to

minimise travelling and to balance the numbers in each section. In all matches other than those played

on selected greens , a choice of rinks by draw shall be given on the green of the challenger to his opponent.

2.a) The official entry form, which includes specific instructions for its completion, must be used

for making all entries to the competitions and entry fees must accompany the entry form.

b) No player may allow her name to be submitted by, or play for, more than one Club or County

in any given year, in any of the above competitions with the exception of the Benevolent

Two-Wood Triples where the team can comprise players from the same division, but different


c) Each Pair, Triple or Four shall consist of playing members of the same Club and there are no

restrictions on the number of entries.

d) A person joining a Club after affiliation and wishing to play or be a substitute in a County

Competition, may do so providing the Club Secretary pays their affiliation to the KCBA, who

in turn shall affiliate to Bowls England.

e) Moving Clubs. If moving Club/Division/Sections and you have already entered pairs, triples

and fours at your previous club, you may play them at your new club, providing all members

of your Team have moved together to the new Club. Singles may also be played at your new

club. You may play for your new Club in the Mollie Cleggett and if not already entered county

competitions may be a substitute for your new club. You are still eligible to play in the

two-wood competition.

f) Should a Club be closed after the entry date, the members may be permitted, for one season

only, to compete under the name of that Club irrespective of which Club or Clubs they have

since joined.

g) Substitution. In pairs, triples and fours, the players taking part in the first game of any County

Competition shall constitute the team which normally play together throughout the competition.

Players may change positions between rounds even if no substitute is involved. One additional

and the same player may, however, be used as a substitute at any time, provided that she has

not already played in the competition, she may play in any position.


a) (i) All competitions shall be played on a ‘fixed date’ basis in accordance with the draw sheet

as per KCBA Ladies Year Book. Players concerned wishing to play before the said date may

do so if mutually agreed. Hon. Competition Secretaries will not entertain appeals from players

unable to make mutual arrangements. Where the green of the challenger is unavailable for play

due to an excess of entries and an earlier date cannot be mutually agreed, then the

CHALLENGER shall arrange for the match to take place on the fixed date on a neutral green

of her choice within the section, or if mutually agreed on the opponents green. (ii) For the

purpose of competitions the season commences 1st May and no earlier date may be offered. It

must be generally understood for the purpose of these competitions, that all fixed dates offered

imply evening play to commence at 6.00 p.m., unless previously agreed. No player/team will be

compelled to accept a time earlier than 6.00 p.m. (iii) The HOME PLAYER i.e. THE

CHALLENGER shall make arrangements for the match to be played on her green and shall

PAY ALL GREEN FEES and arrange for an umpire and a marker if for a singles match (iv)

Failure of any team/player to appear and play after the maximum waiting period of thirty

minutes from time mutually agreed for the start of the match, could cause the defaulter to

forfeit the match/game. If you need to play out of Division, permission must be obtained

from both Divisional Secretaries.

b) DRAW OF RINK/S to be played on shall be made in accordance with the current Laws of

Sport.. For a match requiring one rink a minimum of two rinks shall be offered to the opponent,

for a match requiring more than one rink, the minimum number of rinks offered shall be at least

equal to the number of rinks required.

c) If the green is under water or affected by inclement weather conditions and deemed unfit for

play by Green Keeper or Club Official, the following applies in the order stated:- (i) game to

be played on a neutral green; (ii) game to be played on the opponent’s green. If neither possible,

contact, the Competition Secretary immediately for a decision asto rearrangement of the game.

d) If the Challenger’s green is not passed for County Competitions the game may be played on

either the opponent’s green or a neutral green. Synthetic greens, if passed for County.

Competitions must comply with British Standard BS5750.

e) SMOKING or consuming alcohol by a player IS NOT PERMITTED on the green whilst the

game is in progress. Please use designated area for smoking.

f) MARKERS: A fully qualified marker may wear the regulation uniform. A marker must not

give instructions or consult with or assist either player.

g) Correct procedure when giving a County Competition. Competitor giving should write across

the back of card ‘Game given to Mrs/Miss , sign it and notify opponent and Competition

Secretary. Both competitors should return the cards to the Divisional Secretary for their


h) All score cards must be left on the green whilst play is in progress except in the case of

SINGLES where the Non-Challenger’s card ONLY can be marked on completion of each end

by an appointed spectator. In case of any discrepancy arising, the card on the green to count

and not the card held by the appointed spectator.

i) A long tape must be provided by all clubs for use at competitions to measure the jack (23m)

in a straight line of play from the edge of the mat.

j) Spectators - persons not engaged in the game should be situated clear of and beyond the limits

of the rink of play and clear of the verges and shall preserve an attitude of strict neutrality,

neither by word or act, disturb or advise a player.

k) If during the course of a pairs, triples or fours, a player has to leave the green owing to illness

her place may be filled by a substitute, if in the opinion of both skips such substitution is

necessary. Should the player affected be a Skip, her duties and position in the Fours game shall

be assumed by the Third player and the substitute shall play as Lead or Second but not Skip

and in the case of Pairs the substitute will play Lead only. Such substitutes shall be a member

of the club to which the side belongs and shall not have competed in the competition.

l) If a clash occurs between an individual(s) event i.e. Mollie Cleggett, it will be expected that a

substitute(s) will be found from other Club Members.


Winner of each Divisional Final will qualify for the County Semi-Finals.

Uniform - Greys for all rounds, Divisional Finals onwards Whites.


No player who has qualified for her County Badge even if not as yet received, shall be permitted

to enter the Maude Woods Competition.

Winner of each Divisional Final will qualify for the County Semi-Finals.

Uniform - Greys for all rounds, Divisional Finals onwards Whites.


All players entering this competition must be prepared to play in all rounds on the fixed date(s).

Winner of each Divisional Final will qualify for the County Semi-Finals.

Uniform - Whites with Club or predominately white shirts.


All rounds in greys - winner of each Division to qualify for Semi-Finals and Finals to be played

on Semi Finals and Finals Day. Semi-Finals and Finals dress code: Whites


The three ladies that arrive for play on the day shall constitute the team and must continue to

play throughout the day, except in the case of illness where one substitute will be

allowed. If necessary on Run-over days, one and the same substitute will be allowed

provided that she has not played in this competition. Teams may consist of players from any

club within their Division. To be played to a final for each division. Uniform - Whites with

Club or predominantly white shirts.


(Dress Greys, Club or predominantly white shirts; Semi-final and Finals to be played in Whites with

Club or predominantly white shirts)

The game to consist of one home rink and one rink away, playing 18 ends at the same time. A

player may only enter this competition from the club they play their County Competitions from.

(Teams may wear their registered Club Colours. Details of the draw for play are published each

year in the Association’s Year Book. This competition to be played on a set date, arrangements

to be made by the challenging club. The result is based on the aggregate scores and an extra end

must be played on the challenger’s green, the score on this additional end will only be used in the

event of a tie in the aggregate score at the completion of 18 ends. Responsibility for seeing that

this is done will rest with both sides. In the event of a tie at 18 ends in the County Semi-final or

Final, both fours will play an extra end or ends in order to reach a decision. Where two clubs using

the same green for play are drawn to play each other in this competition, the challenging club will

indicate, before the game commences, which of the club’s two fours will play the extra end. If

during the course of the game a player has to leave the green owing to illness, her place may be

filled by a substitute, if, in the opinion of both skips, such substitution is necessary. Should the

player affected be a Skip, her duties and position shall be assumed by the Third Player and the

substitute shall play either as Lead, Second or Third. If, in a resumed game, any of the four

original players, should not be available, one substitute shall be permitted. Players, however, shall

not be transferred from one team to another and the game must be continued from where it was

abandoned. A player may be used in a home team for one game and placed in the away team next

time. MOBILE PHONES must be on silent or switched off adjacent to the green. When

answered it must be away from the playing area. On the conclusion of this competition a cup and

monetary prize for the club will be presented at the Annual Luncheon. Any team reaching the

final stages of this competition and not completing it will forego any prizes and also entry into

this competition the following year.

10. ONE DAY COMPETITIONS Dress Code: Whites with Club or predominantly white shirts

Competitors playing the above may play in inclement weather and are deemed to have accepted

the need for vigilance and care with green conditions, bowling apparatus and equipment left on

and around the surrounds of green with no recourse to compensation from the KCBA if an accident

occurs resulting in injury.


a) Any protest made by a competitor as to the green being unfit for play must be made at the

completion of the fourth end and the game stopped. Such protest must be made by telephone

and also confirmed in writing to the Hon. Division Secretaries, together with a deposit of

£20 per player which will be returned if a member of the Green’s Committee upholds the

protest. The green will then be inspected and if the protest is not upheld the game shall be

recommenced on the same green from the point at which it was stopped. If the protest is

upheld the game will be played anew on a neutral green and on a date to be arranged by the

Divisional Secretaries.

b) No extension of time beyond the ‘fixed’ date can be allowed except: (i) in the case of players

selected for International Games or (ii) where exceptional circumstances have been rendered

it impossible for play to take place. In such circumstances the alternative date fixed by the

Divisional Secretary or the Honorary Ladies County Secretary as the case may be must be

accepted by all parties.

c) Any player chosen for the England International Team shall be permitted to play her rounds

of County Competitions at the first opportunity on her return with her opponents giving full

co-operation and with the help of the Divisional Secretary.

d) In the finals of all competitions an Umpire shall be appointed, whose decision must be

accepted as final.

e) Trophy Return - trophies must be returned on Semi-finals Day to the nominated

Executive Officer to comply with the KCBA insurance.

f) All prize winners must attend the Luncheon in order to receive prize monies, if not attending

without due reason (in writing) that is acceptable to the KCBA (Ladies) Executive

Committee prize monies will be withheld.

g) The winners and runners-up of the County Competitions are invited to play in the National



a) A player qualifying for the National Finals and attending at the specified time shall receive

her Bowls England National Badge and the defaulter shall not.

b) If a player in a County Competition knows she cannot proceed to the next round, the game

can either be given beforehand or, to enable a player to qualify for County selection, played

but conceded i.e. singles played to 20 shots then conceded. In team games, played until the

end before last and then conceded (this is a guideline example). All singles players are

expected to make themselves available for all rounds. A singles competitor reaching the

Division Finals or later rounds, failing to be available for the next round without a valid

reason, shall be penalised in accordance with the rules set out below. Any member or

members of a successful PAIRS, TRIPLES or FOURS team who cause the team to fail to be

available for the Division Final or later rounds without a valid reason, shall be penalised in

accordance with the rules as set out below:-

i) If unbadged, the consideration for a County Badge shall be cancelled in that year, and;

ii) be disqualified from entering/playing in all competitions for the next season.

VALID REASONS for absence from a round:

a) Sickness or injury (Doctors certificate required)

b) Family bereavement

c) Excused under Bye-Laws 11 b) & 11 c).

Any alterations/amendments of the above Competition Bye-Laws will be made at the discretion

of the Executive Committee

There is nothing that can be laid down in any set of rules to cover every interpretation, incident or

circumstance. It is therefore expected that true sportsmanship and common sense will prevail.